Code of conduct

Code of conduct

Les Journées du Logiciel Libre (refered to as "JdLL", standing for free software days) is an event open to everyone and owned by no one.
Whether you’re an amateur, expert, professional, hobbyist or just curious, there’s a place for you in this weekend long event. Here are our house rules:

Principles of free software

The JdLL, and its participants, are committed to promoting the four freedoms defined by the Free Software Foundation.

Rules of good conduct

Our event is also based on four principles, to be respected by the visitors and the speakers. Anyone with comments or behaviour that contradict the code of conduct may be excluded from the JdLL, at the discretion of the organisers.

Inclusion :

  • JdLL is a militant, participative and open event for all ages, identities and sexual orientations, disabilities, appearances, abilities, races, religions, economic statuses, technological choices, levels of skill and knowledge… By participating in the activities that are offered, you commit to paying attention to others so that everyone can feel welcome.
  • If you notice, or are the victim of, problematic behaviour please report it to a member of staff.

Emancipation :

  • You agree to respect multiple practices and different relationships to technology.
  • Everyone must be able to have their own relationship to the digital world without constraints.


  • With empathy, participants should try to help everyone in their learning and research processes.
  • The JdLL is committed to distributing, as best they can, the content of the lectures.

Contribution :

  • The JdLL is a free and collaborative event; its organisation is managed each year by an open collective, without any particular knowledge or IT level required. Did you enjoy the festival? Join us!
  • The JdLL is committed to helping and using the development of certain tools necessary for the organisation of the festival. Every year we try to maintain and share the improvements we make. Since 2018, the software involved is: pretalx, and nextcloud.